The Ultimate Guide To Understand Wine

When it comes to choosing Oklahoma wines, do you always purchase the same ones? Are you interested in expanding your knowledge about wines but do not know where to start? This guide can help.

The Main Wines

When you discover Oklahoma winery, there are five primary wine groups you should know.

Red Wine

Red wine is made from black grapes or red grapes. When the grapes are crushed, the skins remain with the wine throughout the fermentation process. The tannins in the skins help create a variety of richer, more complex flavors.


White Wine

Most white wines are made from white grapes. Some varieties use red grapes that have had their skins removed. By removing the skins of red grapes, the wine does not take on a dark color and has a lighter flavor. White wines often have more acidity than red wines do.


Rosé Wine

A Rosé is made with the same grapes used to create red wine. The difference is that the skins are removed during the fermentation process. The wine does not develop a dark color or the level of tannins that you find in red wine. The result is a lighter wine that can be sweet or dry. Sometimes winemakers will blend red and white wines to create a Rose.


Sparkling Wine

Almost any wine can become a sparkling wine, with both dry and sweet flavors. A secondary fermentation process creates the characteristic bubbles of sparkling wine. It is important to note that sparkling wine is not necessarily champagne. Only sparkling wine from Champagne, France, is champagne.


Dessert Wine

A dessert wine is typically served after meals. Dessert wines are often sweet, but there are dryer varieties. Some dessert wines, such as Port or Sherry, are fortified, which normally means there is an addition of grape brandy.


Discover Oklahoma Winery

Now that you know the primary wines, consider tasting Oklahoma wines at local wineries. Here are a few terms to consider when discussing wine varieties.

  • Dry – If you do not want anything sweet, dryer wines are for you. It means that they are low in natural sugars.
  • Acidity – Acid balances sugars and a more acidic wine will not be too sweet.
  • Flavor profile – Each wine has a flavor profile. Typical flavors in wine are fruity, earthy, floral, spicy, or smoky.

Understanding these terms will help you choose the wines you want to taste.


How to Taste Wine

There are a few steps you should remember to get accurate flavors at a wine tasting:

  1. Hold the glass by the stem to prevent your hand from warming the wine.
  2. Swirl the wine in the glass.
  3. Smell the wine.
  4. Sip and swish the wine in your mouth before swallowing or spitting it out.

As you taste more wines, you will begin to recognize the types of wines and flavor profiles you prefer. Of course, if you plan on drinking wine while you are tasting, make sure that you have a ride home.

If you are interested in “Oklahoma wineries near me”, consider visiting the wineries that are part of OGIC and supporting the local economy.

Buy Local Wines!